A clone of amazon with features like: Sign-In Page- Sign-In/Create Account (Firebase authentication), Add to Cart, Remove from Cart, Calculate Subtotal, Totally Responsive,
A Wislist App with Light/Dark theme feature.
A stock purchase app to help the user calculate the profit/loss from the stock and the percentage.
Take birthday as input from the user and calculate if the birthday is palindrome or not. If the birthday is not a palindrome calculate the next palindrome date and the number of days they missed it by.
A fun app on triangles. Take the angles as input and display if it is a triangle. Next a small quiz on triangles.Take the 2 sides of triangle and display the hypotenuese. Take the base and height of triangle and give the area.
Takes birthday and a lucky number from the user. Display if the user is lucky or not.
The user has 2000, 500, 100, 20, 10, 5, 1 currency notes. Take Bill Amount and Cash Given from the user. Help the user by telling him how to return change to the customer with minimum number of notes.
Display movie suggestions along with ratings to the user based on the genre he/she selects.
Find the meaning of any emoji just by entering it or click on any from the given set to find out it's meaning.
A fun translation web app that will translate your sentences into Ferb-latin language.
A translation web app that will translate your sentences into Banana language.
Web developer portfolio to showcase my projects and blogs, built with Html and CSS.Using Github and deploy on Netlify.
A quiz App to test your knowledge of javascript.Build with Node js
A small quiz to check how well do you know me